7 Setting Prompts

You may know what you want to happen in your story, but what about where it all happens? Have you considered the possibilities?

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The following is a list of places that your story could take place in. If you still haven’t figured out what you want your story to be about, these can be used as writing prompts to inspire you.

A taco stand on the side of a busy street.

A high school hallway, the last day before summer vacation.

A public transit bus stop facing a very intricate piece of graffiti.

A tattoo parlor at 3AM, next to a university campus.

Under a willow tree that was hit by lightening.

On a lamp-less country road at night.

A public ice-rink at 6AM.

Use images as inspiration! Settings don’t have to be confined to one “usual” space. They can be just as different and imaginative as your characters. Settings greatly influence your characters and your plot-line. Settings can be from the result of natural disasters, social classes, misfortunes, or etc.

What setting do you have in mind?

Happy Writing!

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